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      • Author
      Juan Carlos

        As I volunteer during this Crisis, I have faced many challenges. One of those is not having a clear picture of what is going to happen in the future or when the situation is going to be restored. Also, Taking care of the elderly has represented another major challenge as they are the most vulnerable population.  It is good that we have here a place to share our concerns and lessons learned for the future. It is important to learn from past experiences and teach others that will follow.

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        • Author
        Fred Fulton

          Thanks so much Juan Carlos for your note. Interesting experiences.
          Briefly, I wanted to share with you a note which provides some analysis and insights from a set of calls which were run online over the last few weeks designed to allow people to share their experiences called “virtual think-tank” calls. You can see the document here:

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Fred Fulton.
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